CPA Press Release
The Board of Directors of the Consorzio di Tutela unanimously confirmed its confidence in President Luigi Picerno by placing Giuseppe DiGesù and Giuseppe Creanza as vice presidents.
Luigi Picerno, 51, owner of the “BISCO’ ” company, has been elected president of the Consortium for the Enhancement and Protection of Altamura DOP Bread, unanimously confirmed by the Consortium’s board of directors for the three-year period 2017 – 2019. Joining the President on the Board of Directors are the two Vice-Presidents Giuseppe DiGesù and Giuseppe Creanza, as well as serving as directors are members Salvatore Martimucci, Vito Forte, Lorenzo Chierico, Sante Giordano, Nunzio Ninivaggi and Giuseppe Barile.
“The goal for the next three years,” Picerno stressed, “will be to consolidate and strengthen the team spirit and consortium action in its distinctive aspects: protection, information and enhancement. In the first place is the protection of the operators who have believed from the beginning in the supply chain of the real Pane di Altamura and who still today continue to believe in the DOP project, invest time, work and financial resources in a territorial system strategy. Advocacy activities that will see stronger and more pronounced vigilance against deceptive behavior, including to consumers.“
“Among the Consortium’s programmatic actions,” says confirmed president Picerno, “will certainly include the modification and updating of the production specification to better meet the growing needs of consumers and the increasingly demanding market. DOP-certified Altamura bread will continue to be an important factor in the local economy, the history and culture of Altamura and the Alta Murgia region of Puglia, a guarantee of origin and traceability, authenticity and wholesomeness.
Pasquale Lorusso
Director of the Valorization Consortium
and Protection of Altamura Bread DOP